Jan 31, 2012

How To Overcome Your Fear Of Mathematic?

Not all students hate mathematic, but yet the survey still show that a lot of student hate mathematic, jadi sekarang we're going to talk about ways to transform your Mathematic fear into love....
Here are some suggestions, semoga berguna:

1. Become aware of the fear. Bring it to consciousness. Write it down and play it out. Try to connect with early memories like Sharon did and share it in your journal or with a trusted friend.

2. Realize how much Math you do already. Math is everywhere. It is a language that expresses ideas just like music and English. Notice if you “put yourself down” with respect to Math. Use positive affirmations. Slowly but surely your negative and untrue “mathematical self image” will become positive.

3. Have fun with math. Solving puzzles is math. This is all that mathematicians do. They just like to play and solve puzzles. Don’t judge the level of difficulty of puzzles. Just have fun solving them.

4. When shopping, try to do some mental math. For example, estimate a restaurant bill or compute the exact sale tax before the cashier tells you.

5. Find some fun math sites on the internet.

6. Study music. Music and math are intimately connected.

Some additional advice is that you actually have to love Math and deal with you fear, dan buat semua anak2 yang bersiap untuk menghadapi UN, Math is one of the subject, so we have to prepare, study, and enjoy Math...  Wish you all luck, and get a great score... Wish me luck too.. God bless

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